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Sunday 6-7-20 prayer

  • By Pastor Vicki
  • June 9, 2020

A Prayer a Day: Good day, Holy God. Today we returned to public worship. It was great to see friends in person and to have the opportunity to share music, scripture, sermon, and prayer together. I began writing these daily prayers on March 17, 2020, when we closed public worship. I hope these prayers have blessed readers, in some small way, as they have blessed me in the writing and sharing of them. I have felt closer to God, and to you during this time of sharing faith. I have written 83 daily prayers and shared them here on Facebook. […]

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Saturday 6-6-20 prayer

  • By Pastor Vicki
  • June 6, 2020

A Prayer a Day: Compassionate, merciful, and empathetic God, we come asking you to spread your Spirit throughout the world. Your world is in turmoil; people are in the streets protesting across the USA, and the whole world. Protesters are out in the thousands in Berlin, Germany, Great Britain, and most of the European countries. These overseas protests were triggered by the killing of George Floyd, but in every interview the Europeans say their countries are also struggling with police brutality. The videos are graphic, a 75 year old man knocked forcefully to the ground by police, left with blood […]

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Friday June 5 prayer

  • By Pastor Vicki
  • June 6, 2020

A Prayer a Day: Good afternoon, Heavenly Father. Today I was watching news reports about protesters and rioters. I looked at four different channels and sure enough, each channel was reporting on protests and riots around the country. I started wondering if the Bible has much to say about riots; I found Jesus himself was accused of causing riots. When the Jewish Council went before Pilate complaining about Jesus, they said his ministry had to be stopped because Jesus, “Had been causing riots everywhere.” The Jewish Council gave no specific examples, and no video was available to support their charges. […]

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Thursday 6-4-20 prayer

  • By Pastor Vicki
  • June 5, 2020

A Prayer a Day: Good morning, Lord. Today when I woke up I was thinking about my life, and people’s lives in general. Our days are made up of what we think about, talk about, and the actions we take. Since I am a Christian, trying to follow Jesus, I frequently think about Jesus’ life. Jesus’ life is recorded for us in the Bible. Of course, many things that Jesus said and did are not recorded, but the Bible gives us a lot of information about Jesus’ life. I have heard a number of pastors say, Jesus talked more about […]

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Tuesday 6-2-20 prayer

  • By Pastor Vicki
  • June 3, 2020

A Prayer a Day: Good day, Holy God. Today when I left the Grace Church, the sun was shining brightly on the Grace shepherd. A few years ago, the tree in front of the church was infected with Emerald Ash Borer. It was basically dead. Instead of cutting it down, we found a talented, local artist, Greg Henry, who carved our dead tree into a shepherd, with a staff, and a smiling lamb in his arms. The shepherd tree is a special monument in front, reminding everyone who passes by that you, God, are our good shepherd, and that you […]

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Monday 6-1-20 prayer

  • By Pastor Vicki
  • June 2, 2020

A Prayer a Day: Good afternoon, Lord. If you had a phone this would be your dinner call. It’s June 1st, 2020; it seems like May was six weeks long, but I know that’s not right. I like the first anything: June 1st marks a new month, which makes me wonder about my ability to make things new. I would like to make things new. I don’t seem to have that ability at all. But, you, God, have the ability to make all things new. Revelation 21:5, you, Lord, said, “Behold, I am making all things new.” The whole Bible […]

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Sunday 5-31-20 prayer

  • By Pastor Vicki
  • June 1, 2020

A Prayer a Day: Good morning, Holy God. It’s Pentecost Sunday, the symbols of Pentecost are front in my mind; the symbols of the firey flames and the dove of peace. Flames are nice on candles held high Christmas Eve, while we smile into each other’s faces and sing, “Silent Night.” The last five nights have not been silent nights in large cities across our country. Sadly, instead of candles held high, with smiling and singing, we have seen images of tears, cries of anguish, anger, frustration, and destruction.That’s the thing about fire, in itself fire is not good or […]

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Sat 5-30-20 prayer

  • By Pastor Vicki
  • June 1, 2020

A Prayer a Day: Good morning, God. This morning when I woke up the words of the song, “Let There Be Peace on Earth,” was running through my mind. It triggered a memory from the 1990’s. During the 1990’s there were a group of nuns and a priest, from Precious Blood Catholic Parish in Dayton, Ohio, who went out to places in the community, where people had been murdered to have prayer vigils. People came from all over the area, and from all kinds of religious traditions, to pray, sing, “Let There Be Peace on Earth”, and to ask you, […]

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Friday 5-29-20 prayer

  • By Pastor Vicki
  • June 1, 2020

A Prayer a Day: Good day, Lord. Please help us, Holy God, in our distress over the killing of George Floyd in Minnesota. All over the USA, people are protesting the killings of unarmed African-American citizens. Last night, in Louisville seven people were shot dead, while protesting the killing of Breonna Taylor, the 26 year old EMT, killed in her own home at 1:30 A.M. by police serving a warrant at the wrong house. People protested last night in Georgia over the killing of Ahmaud Arbery, slain while jogging in broad daylight through a residential neighborhood. Heavenly Father, please help […]

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Thursday 5-28-20 prayer

  • By Pastor Vicki
  • May 29, 2020

A Prayer a Day: Good morning, Heavenly Father. Today was my earthly father’s birthday. He was born May 28, 1932, died May 25, 1996, and was buried May 28,1996, his 64th birthday. If he were alive today, he would be turning 88 years old. It’s impossible for me to imagine him at 88. I loved my Dad, most people can truthfully say that. I have been a parent long enough now, to realize how frequently I disappointed my children over the years. That said, my evaluation of my father has changed with time. I don’t say this, Lord, to beat […]

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