Haitian Immigrant Outreach
Grace Church became aware in 2021 that there are over 500 Haitian Immigrants living in Springfield, Ohio. Aware that Hebrews 13:2 reads, “Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for by doing so some have entertained angels unaware.” Our efforts to reach out to our Haitian brothers and sisters has included, generating invitations to church in French, their primary language, and distributing them in the community. Generating church bulletins and visitor’s packs in French for church attendees. Grace Church generated registration forms in French for use at the Open Hands Pantry. Church members have helped with transportation to and from church to English classes. The most important thing we have done is welcome each person, offering full participation in in the life of Grace Church through worship, study, service, and singing in the choir.
Everyone is welcome here!