Raising The Roof By Faith
We are in need of donations to repair the roof of our sanctuary at Grace United Methodist Church in Springfield, Ohio. Because it is unsafe, we have been instructed to not use the sanctuary until the repairs have been made; unfortunately, since the repairs are considered a structural fault, they are not covered by property insurance. The total cost to remove and replace the roof is $225,000. To put our goal in perspective, there are 32,408 United Methodist Churches in the United States; if each of those churches donated just $7.00 to our cause, we would reach our goal! This is a problem beyond the church’s resources but not God’s. Please donate what you can and share our cause with your family and friends.
Springfield News Sun
West Ohio Conference Of United Methodist Church
How You Can Help:
1. Donate online at our Crowdfunding site: Link
2. Donations can also be mailed directly to Grace United Methodist Church, 1401 West Main Street, Springfield, Ohio 45504 (Raising the Roof by Faith on the memo)