Monday prayer 5-18-20
A Prayer a Day: Good afternoon, God. A rainy, rainy day, it is, which invites staying inside and watching the torrents of water pour from heaven. This day- long rain reminds me of Matthew 5:45, which reads, “So that you may be children of your Father, who is in heaven. For he makes the sun rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the just and unjust.” It’s wonderful to know, that our good or bad behavior does not change your nature, Lord. Your nature is love and grace. The sun rises and the rain waters, the earth of the good and evil, the just and unjust. No matter how much bad behavior, we see in the world, God, your character is unchanging. You, Lord, are the God of grace. mercy, forgiveness, compassion, kindness, and love. We become more like you, as we emulate your actions. You dispense sunshine and rain, based on your good intentions to provide the sun and rain needed to bring forth food to bless the righteous and unrighteous. Lord, I suppose this is the greatest difference, between you and most human beings. So often, human beings are into t justice, instead of mercy. Often, we want people to get what they deserve, so the just would get something good, and the unjust would get something bad. Lord, help us forsake the earthly way of judgment. Help us to bless everyone, as you do, with your grace and love. Help us remember each day is a new opportunity to learn and grow in your Spirit. New people are growing in your kingdom, Lord, as you rain blessings of grace upon us. Come Holy Spirit and make us grace-filled:amen.