Sunday daily prayer

Published May 24, 2020 by Pastor Vicki in Daily Prayer

A Prayer a Day: Good morning, Lord; this is the Sunday of the Memorial Day weekend. If we could be together in our sanctuary today, we would be remembering the true meaning of Memorial Day. We would be thanking you, Lord, for the courage, faithfulness, patriotism, and ultimate sacrifice of their lives, that was made by the men and women, who died while serving in the U.S. military. We call it Memorial Day, because like every memorial, it does not focus on death, but focuses on the kind of life, that is worth celebrating. We celebrate the goodness of those, who had a Christ-like sacrificial spirit. The scripture that captures Memorial Day, for me, is John 15:13, which reads, “Greater love has no one than this, that one give up one’s life for one’s friends.” So, Holy God,  help us to honor all those, who gave up their lives for us in the service of the United States of America.This year during this Coronavirus Pandemic,  there will be no parades to celebrate Memorial Day. Heavenly Father,  let this year’s Memorial Day remembrance be a solemn tribute to the fallen. Lord, help us to have the spirit of those, who served and sacrificed for all. Come Holy Spirit and make us more sacrificial: amen.