Thursday 4-16-20 prayer

Published April 16, 2020 by Pastor Vicki in Daily Prayer
A Prayer a Day: Good morning again, Lord, and thank you for another day to love you, our people, and to enjoy our lives. Celebrating life is important, those special days like birthdays, anniversaries, graduations, baptisms, and funerals, allow us to enjoy life, mark special events, and to be close to families and friends. Everything is different now with quarantines and physical distancing mandates. Phone calls, sending cards, smiling and waving from a distance, are how we now say I love you. It is only your presence, Lord, that gives us the right attitude to navigate this situation. When we feel fearful, we remind ourselves of the 365 times in scripture, that we are told to “Fear not!” When we are grumpy and out of sorts, we remind ourselves of Proverbs 15:13, “A joyful heart makes a cheerful countenance, but sorrow of heart crushes the spirit.” Lord, we count  on you to fill us with your kindness, mercy, love, compassion, and humor. We know you have a sense of humor, because when we look around, beginning with ourselves, we see irony and wit in all your creation. Today, Heavenly Father, I am going to try to emulate you by treating everyone with patience and good cheer. Everyone needs good cheer, more than ever, during the challenge of this pandemic. Come Holy Spirit and make us more  like Jesus in whose name we pray: amen.