Thursday 5-28-20 prayer
A Prayer a Day: Good morning, Heavenly Father. Today was my earthly father’s birthday. He was born May 28, 1932, died May 25, 1996, and was buried May 28,1996, his 64th birthday. If he were alive today, he would be turning 88 years old. It’s impossible for me to imagine him at 88. I loved my Dad, most people can truthfully say that. I have been a parent long enough now, to realize how frequently I disappointed my children over the years. That said, my evaluation of my father has changed with time. I don’t say this, Lord, to beat myself up. I say it to acknowledge the enormity of the task of raising children, and the human frailty and brokenness, that make parenting such a daunting job. I remember years ago, reading that June Carter Stapleton, Christian evangelist and Jimmy Carter’s sister, said she used to stand in the hallway outside her children’s bedrooms and pray that you, God, would bridge the gap between the love her children needed, and the love she had to give. Lord, help us to parent in a loving way. Heavenly Father, please do bridge the gap between the love others need, and the love we have to give. Holy God, forgive us for our failures and heal us, so that we may better love in your name. Come Holy Spirit and make us humble: amen.