Tuesday 5-5-20 daily prayer

Published May 6, 2020 by Pastor Vicki in Daily Prayer

A Prayer a Day: Good evening, Heavenly Father. Today I was thinking about all that has happened in just a couple of months. Imagine, the nightmare of 1.23 million people being infected with Coronavirus, 71,532 Americans have died, and 163,000 have thankfully recovered. It’s hard to imagine how many families, individuals, and communities have been negatively affected by this pandemic.This is only considering the medical aspects, not counting the lost jobs, businesses, and income. So, Lord, now people are arguing about when to reopen public places, and arguing about what rules must be in place to reopen. Lord, if you look at the television you will see people are protesting, threatening others, and stalking government officials, because they don’t like how officials are making decisions. Lord, I understand people have opposing views, which is a good thing, broadening our perspectives, and giving us a chance to reason and act on our beliefs. But, I don’t wonder, God, whether you approve of our expressing our views with hatred and threats of violence. I know you do not approve. Considering all I have read in the Bible about Jesus, I doubt you, God, are in favor of violence, or the threat of it. I remember Jesus put the ear back on the soldier, that one of his disciple cut off, while the soldiers were arresting Jesus, the day before his crucifixion. I’m sure you do not want us scaring, screaming, swearing, or pointing weapons at each other. I know that you care for each of us. I know that you, Lord, love each of us and only want good for all of us. In 1st Chronicles 17:16, we read of your love for your people. “David went into the tent he had already set up for the sacred chest. He sat there and he prayed: Lord God, my family and I don’t deserve what you have already done for us.” King David was extremely grateful for your many blessings to him and his family. We should all be grateful to you, Lord, for our many blessings. We should be grateful for what is good, instead of angry about what is not to our liking. Lord, help us be more like King David and Jesus. Help us express our feelings concisely, but without violence, threat of violence, or disrespect toward others. Help us remember Jesus went to the cross for all people, not just the ones who agree with us. Come Holy Spirit and make us more agreeable: amen.