Wednesday 5-13-20 prayer

Published May 14, 2020 by Pastor Vicki in Daily Prayer

A Prayer a Day: Hello, Lord. It’s a pretty day, perfect temperature, blue skies, puffy white clouds, light breeze, and sunny. Thank you for this pretty day. Today I was looking at Facebook, and I saw a post that read, “Your grandmother’s prayers are still protecting you.” It reminded me, that my mother, Hazel, told me more than once, that her Grandma Nelson came to live with her family, when my mom was a child. Mom told me her Grandma would get on her knees every night to pray. Mom said Grandma would pray for every living relative by name. Then she would pray for the next generation, and the next generation, and the next generation. Mom said her Grandma prayed out 3 or 4 generations every night. If you were fortunate enough to have someone praying for you many decades before your birth, you are blessed indeed.You have what’s called generational blessing. If you came from a family that loved God, you may have been born with a generational blessing. This is like being born with a “silver spoon in your mouth,” except this is way better. If you were not born in a family that loved and honored God, let the generational blessing, for future generations of your family begin with you. You can be the start of a generational blessing. When we honor you, God, that’s when the blessings flow. So, today we thank you, God, for giving us blessings of every kind. Thank you, Lord, for bringing us into existence. Thank you for loving us, just as we are. Thank you for sending your Holy Spirit to make us better than we are. Help us, Lord, start a legacy of love in our families, that will send generational blessings out to our great, great, great grandchildren. Come Holy Spirit and make us blessed: amen.