Wednesday 5-6-20 prayer
A Prayer a Day: Good morning,God.This morning I have been thinking about looking for you, Lord, in the regular events of life. Being out of the pattern of weekly public worship has changed about everything; I’m not sure there is actually a regular pattern of life to think about these days. Sunday has been my reboot my life day for decades. When I have wandered off your path during the week, coming into worship snaps me back. One reason I need to reboot, is my thinking goes off base. I don’t know if this is unusual, but when I get irritated by a situation or a person, sometimes, I want to keep my mad longer. When I want to hold onto my grudge, I stay completely away from gospel music, so my bad mood can be better maintained. This is not a good trait, but it’s true, sometimes I nurse a feeling of injury or refuse to forgive someone, who has offended me. I’m not going to waste our time defending my behavior, it doesn’t even matter, if my grievance has merit. You, God, have forgiven me for all the thoughtless, mean-spirited, and unacceptable behavior, that I have exhibited over my lifetime. It’s my job to evaluate others with kindness, and forgive others as you, Lord, have forgiven me. Proverbs 4:23 reads, “Above all else, guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life.” Our thoughts control our lives. If we harbor thoughts of bitterness, hate, envy, and lack of forgiveness, we will never experience life in Christ. So, Lord, help us release all of our bad thinking, speaking, and behavior, so we may bring you glory and honor. Come Holy Spirit and make us sweet: amen.